Social media marketing

Interesting article over at about social media marketing.
The interview with Marc Schiller has some insights into the psyche of consumers of social media, which I've summarised in point form.  Check out the full interview here -

  • In social media marketing behaviours come first, technology second. 
  • There is still a fundamental need to be heard - the tools have changed but the behaviours haven't.
  • People now have the ability to "curate" the info around them. This means that if they don't hear about something through the social feeds, they assume it isn't important to them.
  • "90 percent of the population doesn't have that confirmation that they're being heard. I think that what drives people to express themselves online is a confirmation of their own self-worth… The reason why people write on walls is to say, hey listen, I'm here. I'm a person."
  • People who follow creativity, whether its design or fashion, are extremely influential.

So, in a nutshell I think Marc is saying that the culture of "i" is very strong with this social group, and that giving them a stake in the marketing strategy makes them feel important, even special and can be capitalised on by clever marketing.


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