Bing Ads

Bing Ad's are similar to Google AdWords but on a different Search Engine, that of course being Bing and Yahoo!. It works in the same way as AdWords on a Pay Per Click basis.

If you do use Google AdWords as a form of your online advertising then you will be very familiar with the Pay Per Click model. It uses very similar tools to help and research your keywords. The best thing is that you can import your AdWords campaign over to Bing very easily with a tool inside your Bing account.

Bing was slow to start the platform of Pay Per Click and the last of the Three major Search Engines to start Pay Per Click. It was not until 2006 that Bing started its Pay Per Click Ad's.

Then at the start of early 2010 Bing announced that it would be setting up a joint venture with Yahoo! to run their Pay Per Click Ad's.

Bing Ad's Pay Per Click model works in the same way as AdWords it takes the maximum the advertiser is willing to pay per click along with the CTR (Click through rate) of keywords the advertiser has chosen.

Things to remember some of the differences between AdWords and Bing Ads are, Ad locations, Budget options, Ad Text, Negative Keywords, Target options and the algorithm to determine quality score.
As quality scores are worked out differently this will make a difference on bids needed to appear in a prominent position.This is where I can help optimise your Online advertising on Bing Ads. 

Just like AdWords Editor, Bing offers a tool the same in comparison Bing Ad's Editor. 

If you would like any help and advice with your Bing Ad's get in touch with me to find out how I can help and assist to maximise your businesses advertising goals.


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