How to Write Good H2 Titles

Titles are important to grab the attention of your readers.. so what type of titles can you write? Here is a quick summary of the main types:

Keyword Titles
As the name suggests these contain keywords for SEO and are search engine friendly, but sometimes lack the "Wow" Factor for humans- this is because they shouldn't contain stop words as they dilute the value of your keywords.
For example: WebDevil Website Development Blog: Pro Hints Tips

Problem Solver Titles
These titles will solve a specific problem someone is doing a search for. These are the "How to.." type of titles.
For example: How to Develop Websites: Professional Hints and Tips from the WebDevil Blog

Sensationalised Titles
These provide juicy bait to make someone read and (if the content is good) hopefully share the content. Emotion evoking words like freesecret etc. are a popular tactic.
For example: Website Secrets Revealed: Free Professional Tips and Tricks from the WebDevil Blog

Although it may be obvious I should point out that these different titles could have different copy.. the content directly relating to the title.  You don't want to have any misleading titles, this will put your readers off.
It's therefore totally possible to write three different versions of each post.. but don't try and combine all three into one stylistic nightmare. These three versions can even be hosted in different areas or blogs and interlinked.


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