Oracle XML Publisher related Table Details
Lets take example of standard report AP Invoice Register to check xml publisher related table details. Concurrent Program screen shot: For Data definition we can query using Executable code as shown in below screenshot. Data Definition Screen shot: Data definition get stored in below given Tables: XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS_B XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS_TL We can use below given query to find out details related to data definition. SELECT * FROM XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS_B WHERE DATA_SOURCE_CODE = 'APXINRIR'; SELECT * FROM XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS_TL WHERE DATA_SOURCE_CODE = 'APXINRIR'; Template Screenshot: Template related detail get stored in below given table. XDO_TEMPLATES_B XDO_TEMPLATES_TL XDO_LOBS We can use below given query to find out template related details from back-end. SELECT * FROM XDO_TEMPLATES_B WHERE TEMPLATE_CODE = 'APXINRIR'; SELECT * FROM XDO_TE...