
Showing posts from March, 2013

Convert a picture into a plain text image

Imagine you have a picture or logo that you want to represent in a plain text file - a readme.txt or humans.txt perhaps. There is no way you can insert an image file format (jpg or png) into these plain text files.. but you can try and represent them using a bunch of //##**$$ characters. This can be hard to create freehand - so what about an online tool that can help? Amazingly enough there is a website that does just this!  Check out

Kanban software HTML/JavaScript application

This is a great personal kanban that runs in your browser using HTML/JavaScript written by the talented Greg Gigon. A Kanban is a scheduling system that can be used to schedule tasks generally using the simple three-bin system. I personally have four bins!!  Priority/Awaiting/In Progress/Finished. Alternative bins for web development are: Backlog/Selected/ Develop ongoing/Develop done/Deploy/Live This software version allows you to quickly add/change/delete and move tasks into the different bins. Get it for free from here: Watch how it works here:  

How to comment on blogs for SEO exposure

Blogs are a fertile ground to add comments and many allow links to be inserted as well.  This can lead unscrupulous "backlinkers" to use comments to create backlinks to their sites. As we all know, backlinks are one of the factors that search engine algorithms use to determine the rank of a page.  However, there are a number of things you should watch out for: 1) Make your comment related to the post. I see so many crap SEO comments on this blog.  They are just generic comments that could apply to any blog, and always followed by a link. These are obviously spam backlinks (which get deleted). If you're going to try to cultivate backlinks in this way, make the comment related to the post - add your thoughts on the subject or why the post was good or bad (ps. you don't have to go brown-nosing in your comments to get a backlink, nothing stimulates conversations more than some precise criticism) 2) Does the comment count? You may not realise it, but many websites ...