
Showing posts from June, 2011

Laws of Content Marketing

The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as follows: "Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action." Or "the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling." Brian Davis, a content marketer at MovĂ©o Integrated Branding discusses five laws of content and what they should mean to a brand. The first law Davis outlines is the law of consumption.  He states that "As the rate of content consumption increases, the value of fresh content increases."  As people get more and more involved in viewing updated, relevant information, it becomes more and more valuable.  Ever check a website that has been updating daily for the past 6 months that takes a week off?  The desire for new content is overwhelming, despite the real va...

Article in Review: The Secret To Viral Success

In the article  The Secret to Viral Success , Marguerite McNeal explores what causes viewers of online videos to share clips on social networks. The short answer: Emotional Connection.  Content or videos that move individuals lead them with the desire to be the source of this idea for others.  This is equated with the desire to share stories; One hopes to create emotional familiarity and community based on shared experience.  Research into what emotions are likely to lead to video sharing.  Given 16 possible responses based on a specific emotional response, whether it was positive or negative, and whether it was a strong or weak emotion.  They found that regardless of the video evoking positive or negative emotion that if the video was able to provoke a high arousal, it was more likely to be shared.  That being said, positive videos produced more shares than negative ones.  Of further interest is that the videos that were positive and evoked...